Memoir tips - writing memoirs

Memoir tips - trim the fat

Trim the fat

Weed out irrelevant details and information which are not central to the stories in your memoirs. Some people might feel a bit hurt at not being mentioned more, or not being mentioned at all, but it weigh down the story to try and include unnecessary detail.

Think of it like this  Breakfast is an important meal, but if you have breakfast every day and it's always the same cereal and egg, then there's is no need to mention unless it's important to a story.

That doesn't mean you don't love breakfast or the person who made for you - it just means that no one needs to know about your breakfast and it weighs a story down and makes it a heavy read.

Things and even eople in your life can be a bit like breakfast. They can be an important and cherished part of your life, like breakfast, but if they are important to the stories then don't mention them.

A way to acknowledge important people or places is to include them in the acknowledgments or in the dedication.

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This website is by, The Memoir Specialist and is full of tips and help to help you write and publish a memoir using the Photomemoirs method. We can also help you publish an already written memoir. This website is by, The Memoir Specialists, and is full of tips and help to help you write and publish a memoir using the Photomemoirs method. We can also help you publish an already written memoir.

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